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What is python?
Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language, designed by Guido van Rossum, and first published in 1991.
Python’s main design philosophy is “high code readability”, and whitespace characters are meaningful and frequently used. The language structure and object-oriented perspective in Python is designed in such a way that it allows the programmer to write logical and clear code (without ambiguity) for small and large projects.
The keywords and main words of this language are prepared in a minimal way and are very wide compared to the libraries available to the user.

What was the purpose of Python development?
Khidou’s goal in developing Python was to create a replacement for the ABC programming language that would have the ability to handle exceptions.

Features of Python:

List of some major Python changes:
Change print because it is an immutable function, not an explanation. This makes it easy to modify a module to use a different print function, and thus makes the syntax more streamlined. In Python 2.6, this is possible by typing from – future – import print – function provided.
In Python 3.10, the match feature was presented, which was aimed at the absence of a switch, which resulted in the satisfaction of users.
Who needs Python?
Newcomers to the world of programming who want to learn a new language. Experienced programmers who want to learn a new language. Programming teams that need to displacement to a new programming language. Software development teams who want to choose a programming language for their software projects.
Startups who intend to present a prototype of their projects. Python is suitable for both newcomers and advanced people.

You ask why?
Until nearly ten years ago, Java was used as a language for teaching programming in most universities and educational centers in the world. But with the public release of Python and the revelation of the simplicity of its syntax and transparent
structure, along with its high level, the tendencies to use this language for teaching programming increased day by day. To the extent that Python beat its competitor, Java, and since then it has been at the top of the list of programming languages that are used to teach programming. so, Python has a significant application in teaching programming to beginners and of course children.

As mentioned earlier, Python is fast for beginners. Python becomes a great choice for programmers with experience working with other languages, and at the same time, I would say people who have worked with languages with some syntax of Python, such as Java and C++, can be converted to Python. Learn faster and faster. Developing programming skills and learning new languages, while mastering one or a particular language, significantly helps people find better job opportunities, improve their job status, and increase their income. For more information about the use of a new programming language by experienced programmers, read the article “Five Reasons for a New Programming Language in 2019”.

What is the use of Python in team formation and large projects?
Python is very popular today and many programmers are either familiar with it, or are fully proficient in it, or are learning this language. This makes Python a good choice to be the main language used for large software projects. Because a large number of developers work in these projects and it is difficult to choose a language that everyone can master or that all project staff can be trained to work with it.
So, it is in this situation that one can understand the role and use of Python in forming a team and carrying out large software projects. Of course, other features of Python, such as its universality, strengthen the suitability and applicability of Python for large teams and large programming projects, which will be briefly examined in the following article, what is the use of Python.

Why is Python important for startups and the use of Python in prototyping?
As mentioned before, Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python language, stated that one of the goals of designing and developing Python language is to develop software quickly with it. This feature, along with various other advantages of Python, such as its high level, simple syntax and transparent structure, its universality, which makes the developer unnecessary from other programming languages during the project, and support for various programming paradigms, make this language a very suitable option for Prototype construction converts. The use of Python in startups, which usually need to quickly create a prototype and present it, is well known.

What is the importance of Python being open source and its role in using Python for various projects?
Python is an open source programming language, which means that anyone interested can contribute to its development. Being open source brings countless advantages to software. Likewise, being open source and at the same time, being free, Python has also made this language have significant uses in various projects, including completely commercial programming projects.
Among the other advantages of Python being open source, we can mention having a very large and powerful user community and benefiting from “Software Framework” and numerous, diverse and powerful libraries in various fields. In the following, only some of the most well-known web frameworks and Python libraries are described.

How is web development done with Python?
In general, it can be said that in order to design a website with Python, one should use special Python web development frameworks. The basic features and key capabilities of Python have made this programming language a very suitable and popular option for use in web development (site design). Python allows programmers to build existing websites based on various programming patterns.
There are different frameworks to implement different goals for different programming languages. To design a website with Python, you can also use the special web development frameworks provided for this programming language. Therefore, one should first learn Python programming at an introductory level.
Python is used to develop server-side applications in websites and web applications. Therefore, to develop and build a full-stack website or web application, it is necessary to be familiar with the most common front-end programming languages and technologies (user-side programming). JavaScript, HTML and CSS are the main languages and technologies to learn for front-end development. For CSS and especially JavaScript, there are frameworks, libraries and other facilitating tools that should be learned as well.

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